Wednesday, November 19, 2014

DIY Hair Conditioning Treatments ♪ Your hairs best friends!

Iv'e been trying thousands of Hairtreatments from cheap to super expensive and high end~ But let me tell you: nothing is better than some good old DIY natural Home Hair Treatments :) 
Here are some of my Hairs best friends for you ♥ 

The Moisturizer: Avocado / Coconut oil ♪

1. Mix half an avocado with half a teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil (ahh i love coconut oil ♥ you can totally use it on its own but with avocado it makes it even softer)
This is optional, but for a more nourishing treatment use a few drops o flavender or rosemary oil
2. Work the mixture into damp hair
3. Let the treatment to sit for at least  20 minutes, for deep Conditioning leave Coconut oil over night 

The Reliver: Olive Oil ♪

1. Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of water together 
2. Leave the mixture in damp hair for 20 minutes before rinsing 

Your Hair will be super soft and scalp super fresh :D 

The Fortifier: Egg Yolks ♪

1. Mix Yolk with 2 tablespoons of castor oil
2. Let it sit for 15 minutes then shampoo and rinse

Your Hair will be super strong and smooth

The Repairer: Honey ♪

1. Mix half a cup pf honey with 2 tablespoons of olive or coconut oil
2. massage it into hair
3. Let it sit for at least 20 minutes then rinse out

We all know how awesome Honey is right? c: Make sure you use 100% natural ingredients for best results.

~ Miu ♥

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